Q1: What ways are best ways to limit enrollment in courses?
A1: Enrollment may be limited through prerequisite(s), class (e.g., Junior standing), level (graduate students only), degree, major, and/or program. Admission only by permission of instructor (and/or chair) is labor-intensive for faculty, and inefficient for students. Please also note that using or (e.g., admission to Communication major or COMM 212) between differing categories is not Banner friendly.
Q2: Is it possible to limit enrollment by putting restrictions on admission?
A2: Changes in admission requirements for undergraduate programs must go through the Academic Standards committee. Changes in admission requirements for graduate programs must go through the Policy subcommittee of the Graduate Studies Committee. If your Department believes it needs to limit the number of students taking its classes, please contact the office of your School Dean. They can work with the CCSU Administration (including the Admissions office) to find solutions to these kinds of problems without making serious changes to the curriculum.
Q3: When will curriculum changes be implemented?
A3: Curriculum submissions approved by the Faculty Senate no later than the 1st senate meeting of February will take effect in the subsequent fall semester. This is to allow for entry into Banner prior to course registration in the spring for the fall semester. In emergency cases (e.g. demands by accrediting agencies, State law, or the Department of Education) it may be possible to have course changes approved by Faculty Senate after February take effect in the fall with approval of the Provost. If you have an emergency, please explain this in your curriculum submission.
Q4: What is the difference between a prerequisite and a corequisite?
A4: Corequisites MUST be taken at the same time. Prerequisites are taken beforehand (unless the course description explicitly says "may be taken concurrently").
Q5: When is attendance at meetings required?
A5: When an item is scheduled to be discussed at a meeting, its sponsor or delegate must be there to answer any questions that arise about the item. Lack of a sponsor or delegate will result in the item being tabled, which means it will not be passed that month but will roll over to the next month. Even if the item is placed on the "consent agenda," its sponsor must attend the full meeting of the curriculum committee, since any item may be removed from the "consent agenda."
Please Note: an item that is passed by the Graduate Studies Curriculum Committee will also have to be passed by the Graduate Studies Committee. Usually sponsors need not attend the Graduate Studies Committee, but if questions regarding the item arise, then the sponsor risks having the item tabled or defeated if they are not in attendance to answer questions about the item.
Q6: What is the "consent agenda"?
A6: The main work of the curriculum committee is done in its subcommittees. All items of business that are affirmed by all subcommittees without any substantial controversy are placed on a "consent agenda." At the next meeting of the full committee, the "consent agenda" is reviewed, any member may request that any item be removed from the "consent agenda," and any items remaining on it are then voted on together as one package.
Q7: What qualifies as a "minor change"?
A7: A minor change involves a change in the designator, number, title, cycling pattern, and/or description. Such changes may be submitted to the appropriate Dean for approval provided that the essential nature of the course is not changed. The Dean shall consult with the Chair of the University Curriculum Committee before approving any such request. Be aware that other departments (or the chair of the committee) can still ask for full review of a minor change if they feel it is a significant change. All minor changes will be noted by the chair in the monthly agenda and/or at the monthly meetings.
Q8: What is the difference between a "large" major and a "small" major?
A8: A "large" major is defined as requiring 48 to 60 credits in the major (no more). Large majors do not require a minor. A standard major is defined as requiring 30 to 40 credits in the major. Standard majors require a minor. Majors that fall between 40 and 48 credits required in the major may or may not require a minor. Departments proposing majors of this size should clearly justify their preference in this matter for consideration by the University Curriculum Committee.
Q9: May a Department re-use an old course number?
A9: No. Check with Matthew Bielawa (Associate Registrar) for available course numbers. To avoid confusing students, faculty, advisors and especially degree auditors you should never create a course using a number that has been used before. If the course you are creating is similar enough to the original course, we might be able to consider it a course re-instatement. If the original course was deleted very long ago (15 or 20 years ago), then there is a chance that you may re-use the number. This decision is up to the office of the Registrar, so again, check with Matthew Bielawa.
Q10: Does the BOR have to approve a name change of a degree program?
A10: Yes. Changing the name of a program requires approval by the Board of Regents. Before sending the request for a name change to the Board of Regents, it must be approved by the Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate and signed by the President of the University. Program name changes do not require a concept paper. Only requests for licensure of a new program require a concept paper (which must be sent to the Academic Council of the Board of Regents for review before going through the curriculum review process). See detailed information on BOR Policy Page.