Board of Regents Policy on Academic Programs
The BOR can take 6 possible actions relative to academic programs (source: BOR minutes from 01/19/12, starting on page 10):
- Licensure of a new program; grants approval to operate (Requires submission of Concept Paper)
- Accreditation of a licensed program; grants approval to confer degrees
- Simultaneous licensure and accreditation of a new program; combination of #1 and #2; only done for short programs
- Modification of a licensed or accredited program (Substantive modifications in courses or course substitutions of more than 15 credits in a previously approved undergraduate degree program or more than 12 credits within a previously approved graduate degree program)
- Acceptance of a non-substantive change
- Termination of a program (Requires submission of the “Application for Discontinuation of Existing Program”)
This policy also requires that institutions governed by the BOR adhere to state regulations, which are on the old DHE website at: http://www.ctdhe.org/Regs/RegsAcad.htm
Note: Changing the name of a program requires approval by the Board of Regents.
- Before sending the request for a name change to the Board of Regents, it must be approved by the Curriculum Committee and Faculty Senate and signed by the President of the University
- Program name changes do not require a concept paper. Only requests for licensure of a new program require a concept paper (which must be sent to the Academic Council of the Board of Regents for review before going through the curriculum review process).
BOR forms related to Academic Programs:
- BOR Form for New Academic Program
- BOR New Academic Program Proposal Form Budget
- BOR Executive Summary Template
- BOR Accreditation of a Licensed Academic program
- BOR Accreditation of Licensed Academic Program Resource and Cost Analysis
- BOR Modification of an Accredited Academic Program
- BOR Modification of an Accredited Academic Program Budget