Applications are due by February 10th and September 10th
The School of Education utilizes an online process for applying to the Professional Program for Teacher Certification. The application and supporting documents are submitted online using an assessment management software called Taskstream. To apply to the Professional Program, you will need to purchase a Taskstream account. You should purchase your account the month before your application is due. The cost for a one year account is $50.
Students should purchase a Taskstream account by logging into their Central Blackboard Learn account at http://www.ccsu.edu/bbl/
- Click on the "Launch Taskstream LTI Tool" in the lower, left corner
- Click on "Renew Subscription"
- Answer on-screen questions. After selecting your university, you will be prompted to select your "school." Please select School of Education. Under group, select "Students."
- Select subscription rate that best fits your needs. Although you can pay each semester as you go through the program, it is cheaper to purchase an account for all of the anticipated semesters you are at Central.
Once you set up your account, you will be prompted to enter a DRF Code. Please see the list of Codes below. When prompted, enter the code that is associated with your content area. Please note, you must use your Central E-MAIL ADDRESS for your TaskStream account.
After being admitted to the Professional Program, you will want to renew your subscription for the remaining semesters through the end of your student teaching semester as you will be required to submit electronic evidences at various points and courses in your training. Please know that the subscription rate for multiple semesters is less expensive than a textbook and the benefits you will receive from this eportfolio system and virtual storage for your course work and projects will surpass the minimal cost. If you want to pay each semester as you go through the program, you will be prompted to renew your account once it expires. Please note that if you choose to "pay for each semester as you go," you will not be able to submit evidences to courses if your account has expired. The cost for one year is $50. However, if you purchase a 7 year account, the cost is $139.99.
If you require assistance with TaskStream, please contact taskstream@ccsu.edu
For Professional Program questions, please contact Alex Correia (acorreia@ccsu.edu) in Barnard 327 or call 860-832-2412.
DRF's for the February cycle will be released in January
DRF's for the September cycle will be released in August
Program | DRF Code |
Art, PK-12 | APPART |
Dance | APPDANCE |
Elementary Education | APPELED |
English, 7-12 | APPENG |
History, 7-12 | APPHIST |
Math, 7-12 | APPMATH |
Music, PK-12 | APPMUS |
Physical Education | APPPE |
Science (Biology, Chemistry, Earth Science, General Science, Physics) | APPSCI |
Special Ed. K-12 | APPSPED |
Technology Education | APPTECH |
Modern Language, 7-12 | APPLANG |