English Department Faculty
Faculty in the Department of English combine a commitment to teaching with a commitment to research. As reflected in course offerings, scholarly interests span literary periods and genres in English and American literature. Faculty regularly publish books and articles in their fields of specialization, serve in professional organizations, and deliver papers at academic conferences at home and abroad. The Department of English holds institutional membership in the MLA; individual faculty members belong to professional societies appropriate to their specializations and research interests; they attend and conduct departmental workshops related to teaching approaches and literary issues. Their scholarship enlivens academic programs and brings intellectual energy to the classroom.
Faculty also publish poetry, fiction, nonfiction and drama. The department includes professional authors in creative writing: nonfiction, fiction, poetry, and drama. They give readings of their works, teach undergraduate sections, advise students, and conduct workshops in creative writing.
Thirty-one full-time and thirty-four part-time faculty members serve in the Department of English, the largest academic department at Central Connecticut State University.

Elizabeth Austin

Dharshani Jayasinghe