The English Department at Central Connecticut State University offers courses and programs in literature, writing, linguistics, and cinema that immerse students in intensive study of how language, literature, and writing shape the world and our experience of it. The sustained and rigorous study of literature and language sharpens students' skills as readers and writers, deepens their cultural knowledge, and broadens their engagement with the diversity of human thought and experience. The critical and analytical skills students develop prepare them to be productive and active citizens of a dynamic and pluralistic society. Our graduates are prepared for careers in teaching, writing, and publishing, as well as any pursuit that requires skills in written and oral communication and clear and creative thinking.
Career Potential
Speech Writer, Communications Manager, Web Content Manager, Grant Writer, Copy Writer, Technical Writer, Law School, Paralegal, Education, Museum Studies, Public Relations, Journalism, Library Science, Non-Profit Writing and Grant Development, Business Journalism and Analysis, Community Outreach and Development, Education Careers
Skills mastered in the English BA and related majors:
• Analytical and critical thinking
• Researching and writing of new information
• Sophisticated reading comprehension
• Communication of complex ideas and knowledge
• Clear and creative writing and thinking
• Development of new, innovative perspectives
Read more about "What Can I Do With An English Degree?" by Graduate student, Sarah Sherman
Articles of Interest
- Everyone knows English majors can't get jobs. Except the employers who hire them.
- Six Myths About Choosing a College Major, New York Times
- Meet the parents who won't let their children study literature, Washington Post
- In defense of the 'Impractical' English Major, Huffington Post
- Good New Liberal-Arts Majors: Your Peers Probably Won't Out Earn You Forever, Wall Street Journal
- Why English Majors are the Hot New Hires, American Express