President Toro and the University's two sabbatical leave committees (one for AAUP members and one for SUOAF-AFSCME members) encourage applications from eligible candidates for sabbatical leave. Eligibility is determined by length of service to the University (not less than six years; tenure is required) and length of time since the last sabbatical leave (at least six years). Article 13.7 of the AAUP contract and Article 24.8 of the SUOAF-AFSCME contract provides further information about contractual requirements, eligibility, and compensation.
As explained in the collective bargaining agreements, sabbaticals are awarded on the basis of merit and for the benefit of the CSCU System. Although seniority is not a consideration for SUOAF-AFSCME members, the AAUP contract specifies that when proposals are deemed by the Sabbatical Leave Committee to be of equal merit, preference is given to faculty with the longest service since the last sabbatical.
During recent years, the Board of Regents, upon the President's recommendation, has approved many different kinds of sabbatical leave projects designed to enhance the professional development and expertise of faculty. These include projects intended to result in significant creative contributions to the discipline, pedagogical applications in both higher education and the public schools, applied research, residencies and fellowships at other institutions and in business and industry, and post-doctoral and other advanced graduate studies intended to enhance the faculty member's professional responsibilities and teaching.
Because applications are judged on the basis of merit, it is important for you to submit a detailed and complete proposal, including a current c.v./resume. Please use the standard format provided. Complete information assists your department's sabbatical committee, your dean or supervisor, the Sabbatical Leave Committee, and the Provost/Vice President to evaluate fairly the merits of your proposal for recommendation to the President.
Please note the following deadlines:
Submit the following to your department chair or supervisor by September 15, 2024.
- A 100 to 150-word proposal abstract (required for inclusion in President's recommendations to the CSCU Board of Regents) which describes the rationale for the project, what is required to carry out the work, and what is the benefit of the work.
- A sabbatical leave proposal which, using the form provided or as a separate attachment to the form, includes the following information:
- Explains your purpose and objectives.
- Describes your existing knowledge and/or work to date related to your project. Include citations to the literature as appropriate.
- Describes in some detail your proposed sabbatical activities and/or methodology. Be as specific as possible.
- States the potential value of your project to the University, to your professional growth, and to your particular field of study or discipline. Describe expected outcomes including curriculum reports and publications, and other products as appropriate to your proposal. If you have previously been awarded sabbatical leave(s), describe briefly the outcomes and the relationship, if any, to the current project.
- Attachments as necessary to evaluate the quality of your proposal (e.g. letters of recommendation, support or invitation; chapter outlines; publisher and professional commitments).
- A current and complete c.v./resume.
- A detailed table of contents.
If you have questions about the sabbatical process or seek advice in preparing your application, please contact your department chair, your dean or supervisor, or the Vice President for your area.
**AAUP faculty should review the Sabbatical Leave Guidelines.