There are three stages to walking the labyrinth.
Stage 1: Releasing (letting go of the day, coming into the present moment, take a deep breath, quieting your inner critic, turn off your cell phone).
Set an intention: "I’m walking today just to relax", "I’m walking to help myself figure out...", etc.
“Walking into the labyrinth ... This is the time to quiet the mind, let go of details, distractions and extraneous thoughts. Open your heart to feel whatever it might feel. Become aware of your breathing. Relax and find your natural pace.” (Facilitators guide, 2019, pg. 23)
Stage 2: Receiving (listening to your inner voice)
As you walk allow yourself to concentrate on just take one step at a time, staying present in the moment. Freeing up your mind. Reflect if you wish. (If others are walking the labyrinth too, be mindful of stepping aside if you need to let others pass. Be respectful of others time in the labyrinth as you would like them to respect your time.)
If you are using the labyrinth to problem-solve you might find asking yourself at each turn “What is my next step? Or What else do I need to consider? Or What do I need right now?” helpful in your process.
“Standing or sitting in the Center...When you reach the center, sit or stand there as long as you like. This is a place of reflection, meditation and prayer. Receive what is there for you to receive.” (Facilitators guide, 2019, pg. 23)
Stage 3: Returning
You may walk back out the way to came. Or you can quietly walk off the labyrinth careful not to cut others off.
“Walking out of the labyrinth ... When you are ready, follow the same path back out. Walking out, integration of your experience can occur. You take back out into the world that which you have received. Each labyrinth experience is different. It can be subtle or you may have a powerful reaction. Sometimes a labyrinth experience takes time to release its meaning and can evolve over months following a walk. Whatever occurs, listen to your heart and take all the time you need.” (Facilitators guide, 2019, pg. 23)
Guidelines for the walk:
- Follow your natural pace.
- Feel free to move around others or let others move around you. This is easiest to do on the turns.
- The path is a two-way street: you will meet people coming out as you go in. Do what feels natural when you meet.
- Let your gaze be soft as you walk.
- If no facilitator is present at the entrance, allow one minute between you and the most recent walker.
- Parents are expected to supervise their children, especially if other are walking.” (Facilitators guide, 2019, pg. 23)
- Processing: After walking the labyrinth you might find it helpful to jot some notes into a journal (if you walk often you might develop a labyrinth walking journal for yourself), draw/doodle your thoughts or feelings, if you have been walking as part of a group – share your thoughts about your experience out loud in a group processing session.