Artress, L. (2006). Walking a scared path: Rediscovering the labyrinth as a spiritual practice. Riverhead books. New York.
Davis, D. W. (2021). A literature review on the physiological and psychological effects of labyrinth walking. International Journal of Yogic, Human Movement and Sports Science, 6(1), 167-175.
Nelson, R. J. (2001). Exploring labyrinths in classrooms. Caerdroia 32, 49-55
West, Melissa G. (2000). Exploring the labyrinth: A guide for healing and spiritual growth. Broadway books. New York.
Facilitator Manuel: Facilitating the labyrinth is a spiritual path. (2019). Veriditas.
Web resources:
The Labyrinth Society
The Labyrinth Locator (find Labyrinths in your local area)
Veriditas (Training Labyrinth Facilitators and Education)