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Articles (456)
Seeking Art Project Submissions for Spring 2023
The CCSU Many Voices Initiative Committee is seeking art project submissions that celebrate diversity, equity, social justice, and inclusion. Art Project Submissions can include original poetry, story
Summer 2023 BMS courses
Click here for the full schedule with times: BMS summer course schedule
BMS Fall 2023 courses
Click here for the full BMS schedule with times: Fall 2023 courses
Take the National Survey of Student Engagement
First-year students and seniors have an opportunity to be Central influencers! Complete the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) and tell us about your experiences in and outside of the
Brothers and Blue Devils
By Kate Callahan ’14 A ripped up parking ticket, a love of education, and a restaurant called Elmer’s Place: These are just a few things that define brothers Fred and Elmer Odell’s life-long
Central celebrates Title IX Trailblazers
In recognition of the 50th anniversary of Title IX, the Central Connecticut State University (Central) community hosted a celebration on March 2 to honor 10 women as Title IX Trailblazers. The
Undergraduate Open House - Central
Join us for our Spring 2023 Undergraduate Open House and learn about everything that Central Connecticut State University has to offer. Interact with faculty, learn about admissions, financial aid
CW Resources – Internship/Volunteer Placement Opportunities
CW Resources is dedicated to serving the needs of persons with disabilities through the creation of integrated vocational training and employment opportunities for those individuals who are physically
Apply now to be a Success Central peer mentor
Want to support the success of other Central students for academic credit? Become a Success Central peer mentor! Click on the following link to see eligibility criteria and application: https://forms
Continuing Education at the University of Dope
By Amy J. Barry It was in the cards. A party game for hip-hop lovers, created by two women who met at Central, gained national distribution in February. It was fortuitous that this substantial boost