
Recent News

Articles (456)
New Britain Public Library Seeking Volunteers
New Britain Public Library is holding a Spring Book Sale in late March and is seeking 4-6 student volunteers on the following dates to help move boxes of books on rolling carts from the storage area
Check your email to take the food and housing survey
Food? Housing? These are very basic needs that directly impact your education. Central wants to make sure that everyone in our campus community has access to food and housing. Please take a few
WME agency signs Rashad Frett ’09
From WME has signed director and screenwriter Rashad Frett , whose short film "Ricky" is part of the Short Film program of the 2023 Sundance Film Festival. Frett was recently named a
Jan. 24:CTI part-time faculty spring workshop
Please join the Center for Teaching and Innovation and your part-time teaching faculty colleagues for a discussion-based workshop on teaching, best practices, and student success! The workshop will
JLI joins community conversation on Martin Luther King Day
By Steve Smith, Hartford Courant Students from Sage Park Middle School and the John Lewis Institute (JLI) for Social Justice at Central Connecticut State University were featured speakers at the
Central football announces new head coach
Central announced Adam Lechtenberg as the university’s 15th head football coach on Jan. 12. Lechtenberg served as the Blue Devils co-offensive coordinator for the 2010 and 2011 campaigns, contributing
Congratulations December graduates
Central hosted a winter commencement ceremony on Dec. 17 in Welte Auditorium, honoring students who met their degree requirements as of August 2022, December 2022, and the Winter Intersession. New
Workshop for part-time faculty
Join the Center for Teaching and Innovation for a professional development program designed for part-time faculty at Central. The program includes: Welcome Remarks: Dr. Zulma Toro, President, Central
Referees, judges needed for state VEX IQ robotics competition
The Middle School of Plainville is seeking volunteer referees and judges (training provided) for the state VEX IQ robotics competition on Saturday, March 4, from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. More than 50
YWCA New Britain volunteer opportunity
The YWCA is seeking volunteers to come to their middle and high school programs on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteers would come during the first half of the program and