
Recent News

Articles (456)
Recruiting Mentors at Phenomenal I Am
Phenomenal I Am, a non-profit youth-led organization with the mission to address the emotional, social, and overall student engagement needs of at-risk female youth ages 9-18 in New Haven, CT. PIA is
Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Income Tax Assistant
The Village for Families and Children, in partnership with United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut, HRA, and volunteers connect working families with opportunities through the Volunteer
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity - Learning Ally
Learning ally is a non-profit literacy-focused organization dedicated to helping struggling learners reach their potential. They are always looking for volunteers to serve various roles including
Job Opportunity! Senior Policy Analyst at Partnership for Strong Communities
The Senior Policy Analyst is responsible for researching, analyzing, and offering housing policy recommendations that will guide the Partnership in its convening, education, and advocacy efforts on
Internship Opportunities: Connecticut Alliance of Foster & Adoptive Families
The mission of the Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families is to strengthen foster, adoptive and kinship care families through support, training, and advocacy with the aim of nurturing
Governor appoints Daniels '96 to lead CT Contracting Standards Board
Governor Ned Lamont announced on Dec. 30 the appointment of Greg Daniels ’96 as executive director of the State Contracting Standards Board. The State Contracting Standards Board is responsible for
YWCA New Britain Volunteer/internship opportunity
The YWCA is seeking volunteers to come to their middle and high school programs on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays from 2:30-5:30pm. Volunteers would come during the first half of the program and
Alpha Kappa Delta International Honor Society - Induction Ceremony, Fall 2022
We congratulate Niya Blizzard-Ireland, Sasheika Hyde, Savannah Watts, Lucas Amestoy, Shawndia Jones, and Debra Kennedy, who were recently inducted into Alpha Kappa Delta International Sociology Honor
Congratulations to 2022 President Citation Awards winner Tia Meares!
Congratulations to Tia Meares (B.A. Sociology) for earning a 2022 President Citation's Award! The President’s Citation Award is presented annually to outstanding seniors nominated by faculty and staff
Apply to be a CCSU tour guide
Apply today to be a CCSU tour guide! Interested candidates can emila Kaylee Crockett at .