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Articles (456)
Professor Ong designs costumes for theatrical kings and ghosts
By Walter Ang New York - Filipino American costume designer Raven Ong has four shows opening this summer, one of which will have an international staging. Ong has designed the costumes for a triptych
Guerrera '15 awarded District Teacher of the Year
Watertown Public Schools is pleased to announce that Chelsie Guerrera, Mathematics teacher at Watertown High School, has been named the 2022-23 District Teacher of the Year. Guerrera graduated with a
Fernandes '93 wins Senior Division of long drive competition
This story ran on the NBC CT website on July 31, 2022. By Matt Finkel The best drivers of the golf ball are in Portland this weekend for the Professional Long Drive Association Connecticut Challenge
Dr. Alicia Bray keeps tabs on southern pine beetles
By Leslie Virostek Pitch pines were once plentiful in the state of Connecticut. But colonial-era commerce and modern-era development have devastated their sandy-soiled habitats. Today, the few pitch
Alumnus donates published works to Burritt Library
The Elihu Burritt Library recently received a donation of six books from author and alumnus T. Garth “Tim” Connelly ’83. Connelly’s scholarly focus is 20th-century naval vessels. His donation includes
Blue Chip system upgrade
On Monday, July 25 and Tuesday, July 26 the Blue Chip System will not be available because of required maintenance. Campus vending machines will continue to accept Credit Cards and Cash during the
Blue Chip system upgrade
On Monday, July 25 and Tuesday, July 26 the Blue Chip System will not be available because of required maintenance. Campus vending machines will continue to accept Credit Cards and Cash during the
Central volleyball earns 16th Team Academic Award
On June 18, the American Volleyball Coaches Association recognized the Central volleyball team with a Team Academic Award for the 2021-22 season. The Blue Devils have achieved the team academic honor
New member of History faculty featured in The Economist
This article ran in the July 9 edition of The Economist. For Muslims making the haj pilgrimage, which this year runs from July 7 to July 12, the first leg is easy enough: hop on a plane to the
Dr. Merenstein named AVP for Community Engagement and Experiential Learning
Dr. Beth Merenstein, professor of Sociology, has accepted a new, dual role as the Interim Associate Vice President for Community Engagement and Experiential Learning and the Executive Director of the