
Recent News

Articles (456)
Volunteer Opportunity at CLICC
CLICC (Connecting Through Literacy: Incarcerated Parents, Their Children, and Caregivers) is recruiting to train volunteers to be mentors of children of incarcerated parents. We are beginning to plan
Job Opportunities at The Friendship Center in New Britain!
Homelessness Prevention Program Specialist Community Center Diversion Specialist
Tutors Needed: Rocky Hill High School
Rocky Hill High School is currently looking for tutors able to come in during the days to work with students that need additional support in Math, English, and Science. If interested, please contact
Volunteer Opportunity: Volunteer Income Tax Assistant
The Village for Families and Children, in partnership with United Way of Central and Northeastern Connecticut, HRA, and volunteers connect working families with opportunities through the Volunteer
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity: United Way Readers Program
Volunteer to provide one-on-one reading support to K-3 students across the region. Volunteers will be paired with K-3rd grade students at local elementary schools for weekly reading sessions. The time
Ongoing Volunteer Opportunity - Learning Ally
Learning ally is a non-profit literacy-focused organization dedicated to helping struggling learners reach their potential. They are always looking for volunteers to serve various roles including
Field Work Opportunity: Opportunity Academy (OA)
Opportunity Academy (OA) is a program offered by Our Piece of the Pie. OA is an alternative solution offering overaged, under-credited students support in their educational journey through student
Internship Opportunities: The Friendship Service Center
The Friendship Center provides a continuum of services to people at risk of or are experiencing homelessness in Central CT. There are currently a number of internship opportunities available. To learn
Internship Opportunities: Connecticut Alliance of Foster & Adoptive Families
The mission of the Connecticut Alliance of Foster and Adoptive Families is to strengthen foster, adoptive and kinship care families through support, training, and advocacy with the aim of nurturing
A master class in connection and compassion
By Kate Callahan As someone who has taught and conducted research at multiple universities, Associate Professor of Sociology Heather Rodriguez says her students at Central are among the most hard