
Recent News

Articles (456)
Need a peer mentor? Try Success Central
Want a peer mentor to help reach your goals this semester? Try Success Central! Go to for details!
Center for Teaching and Innovation now hiring
CCSU is seeking to hire a student to work in the Center for Teaching and Innovation (Instructional Design and Distance Learning Development). The student will provide service in the areas of: •
Dr. Alicia Bray keeps tabs on southern pine beetles
By Leslie Virostek Pitch pines were once plentiful in the state of Connecticut. But colonial-era commerce and modern-era development have devastated their sandy-soiled habitats. Today, the few pitch
Need a peer mentor? Try Success Central
Do you have a student who could use a peer mentor to help them reach their goals this semester? Try Success Central! Go to for details!
Grad student earns Connecticut Counseling Association award
Julianna Vass, who was named Graduate Student of the Year by the Connecticut Counseling Association (CCA). The award recognizes outstanding scholarship by a CCA student member. In addition to her
CCSU Honors DeFronzo's Public Service To City And State - New Britain Progressive
by jmcnamara / October 18, 2022 Former State Senator And Mayor Ending Tenure As Gov. William O’Neill Endowed Chair Holder Staff Reports NEW BRITAIN – Central Connecticut State University (CCSU)
On Thursday: Celebrate Ebenezer Bassett Day
The Brotherhood Initiative and the Africana Center cordially invite the campus community to celebrate Ebenezer Bassett Day on Thursday, Oct. 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. Visit us at the entrance to Bassett
On Thursday, celebrate Ebenezer Bassett Day
The Brotherhood Initiative and the Africana Center cordially invite the campus community to celebrate Ebenezer Bassett Day on Thursday, Oct. 13, from 2 to 4 p.m. Visit us at the entrance to Bassett
A visit from the VP
The Central community welcomed Vice President Kamala Harris to campus on Oct. 5. The Vice President joined U.S. Representative Jahana Hayes and Alexis McGill Johnson, president and CEO of Planned
Dr. Glaser and Dr. Hermes win Digital Accessibility Innovation Award.
Dear Leah and Katherine, On behalf of the CSCU Accessibility Council and its selection committee, we are thrilled to notify you that you have been nominated and selected for the inaugural Betsey Doane