
Recent News

Articles (456)
Several Internship Opportunities at CMHA!
Community Mental Health Affiliates (CMHA), based in New Britain, is seeking interns in multiple departments. These departments include: IT MIS Finance Facilities Front Desk/Medical Records External
Recruiting Mentors at Phenomenal I Am
Phenomenal I Am, a non-profit youth-led organization with the mission to address the emotional, social, and overall student engagement needs of at-risk female youth ages 9-18 in New Haven, CT. PIA is
Seeking Art Project Submissions for Spring 2023
The CCSU Many Voices Initiative (MVI) Committee is seeking art project submissions that celebrate diversity, equity, social justice, and inclusion. Art Project Submissions can include original poetry
Alumnus Matt Friedman rallies heroes around the world
By Amy J. Barry Matthew Friedman ’83 has no doubt that uniting an army of ordinary people through volunteer actions — no matter how big or small — can create meaningful positive change. His conviction
Congratulations to 2022 CSCU Board of Regents Teaching Award Winner Dr. Heather Rodriguez!
The BOR Teaching Awards are given to recognize faculty who have distinguished themselves as outstanding teachers and who have track record of promoting instructional improvements for their programs
Sociology Professor Christopher Doucot was the featured speaker at Trinity College
On May 22, 2022, CCSU Sociology Professor Christopher Doucot was the featured speaker for Trinity College's Baccalaureate Program on May 22, 2022. To view his speech, advance to minute 27 in this
Congratulations to 2022 Barnard Scholar Dezrene Thompson!
Every spring the Connecticut States Colleges and Universities Foundation selects 12 outstanding seniors from the four state universities as Barnard Scholars. Dezrene is a Sociology major with a minor
Literacy Center celebrates 50 years thanks to a little magic
By Kate Callahan ’14 Love, kindness, and literacy. These hallmarks of early education came alive in the hearts and minds of a dozen young children celebrating the 50th anniversary of Central’s
A Conversation with Dr. Eddie Glaude
Sociology Senior, Kelsey Gaylord, joins Dr. Evelyn Phillips and Dr. Audra King in a conversation with Dr. Eddie Glaude, Director of African Studies at Princeton University, about his book Begin Again