
Recent News

Articles (456)
Africana Center seeks nominees for stole awards
The CCSU Center for Africana Studies is seeking nominations for the 2023 Graduation Stole Awards. All are invited to nominate graduate or undergraduate students who will graduate in May, August, or
Annual symposium will tackle climate change
By Leslie Virostek The words climate change can evoke a sense of paralysis: How can anything be done about such a big, complicated problem? To do its part, Central will host its annual Global
Join OEI and the Office of Victim Advocacy in making shirts for The Clothesline Project
The Office of Equity & Inclusion presents a program by the Office of Victim Advocacy: The Clothesline Project. The Clothesline Project increases awareness of the impact of interpersonal violence, to
Conversations to Remember –Virtual Volunteer Opportunity
Looking for new volunteers to help lonely seniors and have weekly virtual video visits with them. We schedule new training sessions every week and have new visits opening starting the time. Interested
Volunteer for CCSU’s Open House & Accepted Students Day
The Undergraduate Office of Recruitment and Admissions is currently looking for volunteers for their upcoming Open House & Accepted Students Day. They need help with event set up/break down, tours
NB Downtown District Hiring Program & Marketing Coordinator
The New Britain Downtown District is seeking a part-time Programming and Marketing Coordinator. This position works heavily over social media to promote NBDD programs, Downtown events, businesses, and
OIC in New Britain – Summer Job Opportunity
Opportunities Industrialization Center (OIC) of New Britain is a non-profit organization providing job training and career development services, offering career competencies and the soft skills needed
New Britain ROOTS – Volunteer Opportunity
New Britain ROOTS was founded to create hands-on experiences for students to learn about where their food comes from. Today ROOTS promotes gardening, urban agriculture, food access, and education
Foundation of Greater New Britain – Scholarship Opportunity – Application deadline March 15th by 5 PM
Over $300,000 in scholarship awards are available to graduating high school seniors and current college students in our four-town service area and beyond In 2022, CFGNB will be awarded its most
New Britain ROOTS – Volunteer Opportunity
New Britain ROOTS was founded to create hands-on experiences for students to learn about where their food comes from. Today ROOTS promotes gardening, urban agriculture, food access, and education