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Travelers EDGE student appears on Pulse of the Region
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'Dodging Certainty' takes viewers on a road trip with Team Central
By Amy J. Barry Last summer, four Central students set off on the ride of a lifetime, travelling across the country as competitors in the Great Race, a national 2,300-mile, cross-country competition
Rep. Hayes stops at Central for Farm Bill roundtable
By Sarah Kaufman “I just fundamentally believe that every person deserves to eat,” U.S. Rep. Jahana Hayes said during a recent visit to Central Connecticut State University. Rep. Hayes was on campus
NSA recognizes Central Cyber Defense program
Cybersecurity Studies at Central recently received the ultimate endorsement. The National Security Agency (NSA) notified Central on June 13 that the Cyber Defense track within the Cybersecurity
History League conference returns to Central
By Sarah Kaufman Her hair pulled back and tucked under a mustard-colored snood, Rebecca Donohue welcomes visitors who stop by her table at the Connecticut League of History Organizations (CLHO) 2023
Huang family visits Central to view building named in late philanthropist’s honor
After a three-year wait, Central hosted three very special guests on campus on May 20. The family of Dr. C.J. Huang-Jen, who bequeathed more than $6 million to the university, visited Connecticut to
Polish Studies marks a milestone
By Kate Callahan Central will celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Polish Studies program in a big way. From June 9 to 11, Polish Studies will host the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences for the
Ducklings Head Home
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Central at the forefront of state efforts to boost educator shortages
Governor Ned Lamont’s office announced on May 16 targeted state investments and collaboration to address educator shortages in Connecticut, and Central Connecticut State University (Central) is a
Accelerated BS MS program
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