
Recent News

Articles (456)
School of Business kicks off year with career summit
As students prepared to return to school in August, Central Connecticut State University’s School of Business offered a three-day College to Career Summit. The event brought business professionals and
President announces Next Generation grant recipients
President Toro announced on Sept. 7 the recipients of Central’s second year of Next Generation of Student Success, Diversity, Innovation, and Community Engagement grants. The Next Generation grant
Larsen keynotes at international conference celebrating Middle-earth
Dr. Kristine Larsen was one of two keynote speakers at the 50th Oxonmoot conference in Oxford last weekend, an international on-ground and online celebration sponsored by the Tolkien Society. Read all
Dr. Schenck shares insight on wages and job growth
In a recent feature, compared how many hours Americans work across 50 states and 10 key indicators. Among the panel of experts featured in the article is Central Economics professor
Cardona, Lamont visit Central on first day of classes
A surprise visit by two special guests made for a memorable first day of classes on Aug. 29. U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona ’97 and Governor Ned Lamont are longtime supporters of the state
VirtualSpeech offers safe space for public-speaking prep
Glossophobia, the fear of public speaking, is said to be one of the most common phobias. After the years of social isolation caused by the pandemic, that fear has only increased for some people. To
Central announces new logos, brand guidelines
The Central Connecticut State University brand is sporting a new look. The university’s Marketing and Communications team unveiled a brand-new logo system and marketing and promotional tools at the
Move-in day is a busy one
Freshmen at Central Connecticut State University students moved onto campus on Sunday. Watch the coverage by WTNH:
Sign up for a Success Central peer mentor
Success Central is gearing up for its 10th year of providing research-based peer mentoring to first- and second-year students. Success Central helps students reach their goals throughout the academic
Theatre Department announces Sept. 5 auditions
The Theatre Department will hold auditions for the fall productions of “Silent Sky” (all roles except Annie Cannon are cast) and “Eurydice” by Sarah Ruhl, and the BFA Performance program on Tuesday