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Articles (456)
Women's soccer wins 13th NEC Championship
The Central Connecticut State University women's soccer team are the NEC champions once again after their victory on Nov. 5.
Central unveils Eismont and Sielawko Advising Suite
Central thanked a generous donor with a special event on Oct. 26 when university leadership revealed the John Eismont and Anna Sielawko Advising Suite. Sielawko and her family were on-hand to
Go Baby Go-ing to Manchester High
The Technology and Engineering Education Department had a very successful Go Baby Go Event at Manchester High School on Oct. 27 and 28. Central students worked alongside the high school students and
Apply now for CCSU Foundation scholarships
Apply now for Academic Year 2024-'25 CCSU Foundation Scholarships. This is the only opportunity to apply for the $3,000,000 in scholarships available for next academic year (Fall 2024/Spring 2025). If
President calls on Central community to ‘Stuff the Pantry’
By Savanna Yelling The Office of the President will be inviting Central Connecticut State University faculty and staff to “Stuff the Pantry” by donating non-perishable goods to Maria’s Place
Open House draws hundreds to Central
Central Connecticut State University hosted two sessions of its annual Fall Open House event on Oct. 29, and despite the rain more than 500 families visited and toured campus. To kick off each session
Sharing the secrets of Success Central
The Success Central Senior Management Team recently traveled to the 2023 National Symposium on Student Retention, held this year from Oct. 23 to 26 in New Orleans. The conference offers college and
Tony Audette ’16 revs up the motorcycle world
By Leslie Virostek After serving five and a half years in the Marine Corps — including a seven-month deployment in Afghanistan — Tony Audette was ready to shift gears. When he enrolled at Central
WATCH: Stop & Shop donates $133k to CSCU
Stop & Shop announced a $133,000 donation to Connecticut State colleges and universities on Wednesday. Watch coverage of the event by WTNH:
Stop & Shop donation boosts Central's fight against food insecurity
In its ongoing fight against food insecurity, Stop & Shop donated $133,000 to the on-campus food pantries within the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities system. Representatives from Stop &