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Articles (456)
Alumna takes helm of 'Seasoned' on Connecticut Public Radio
Connecticut Public recently announced that Robyn Doyon-Aitken '97 will take over as host of the local food show "Seasoned" on Connecticut Public Radio. Read more here:
Central builds community connections
By Sarah Kaufman Visitors to Wintergreen Woods in Wethersfield can now access more areas of the park thanks to a gift to the town from Central Connecticut State University’s Department of Civil
Central soccer teams earn Team Academic Award
The United Soccer Coaches College announced its annual Team Academic Award winners on Aug. 16, and both the men’s and women’s soccer teams received the award. The honor recognizes teams that collected
Faculty spotlight: Dr. Joanne León
“I didn’t know this was a profession until I was a freshman in college,” says Dr. Joanne León, associate professor and chair of the Social Work Department. “I was brought up on being part of your
Central sets buzzworthy sustainability goals
By Sarah Kaufman A quiet hum emanates from the two four-foot-high boxes tucked behind the greenhouse on the campus of Central Connecticut State University. Located between Nicholas Copernicus Hall and
Blue Devils football to host LIU on CBS Sports
The Northeast Conference announced today that the Blue Devils league game against LIU will be played on CBS Sports Network on Thursday, Oct. 26. More details here !
Teacher shortage: Programs provide alternate routes to certification
WFSB reports on teacher shortages in Connecticut with feedback from School of Education and Professional Studies faculty and students. View it here:
Meeting a star
Dr. Kristine Larsen: writes about early encounters with Mira "The Wonderful" in the American Astronomical Society's "This This Month in Astronomical History" column. Read it here:
Reporting from Paris, as city prepares for Olympics
Twelve Journalism students and two professors at Central visited Paris and the Olympic Village ahead of the 2024 Olympic Games.
Pedal power: How one alumnus built a school biking program
Early in 2020, as the COVID-19 pandemic shuttered businesses and schools, physical education teacher and Central Connecticut State University alumnus Alex Clark ’14 explored ways to keep his