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Articles (456)
Larsen's classes a bright spot for many at Central
“You’re in for a real treat! This is going to be so good,” said Kathleen Wall, as Central Connecticut State University Professor Kristine Larsen set up for a recent presentation. Larsen was speaking
Professor Soper shares insights on balance transfers
Associate professor of Economics Carolyne Soper answered a few questions about balance transfers for Read the full article and her responses here:
Alumnus named Forbes Top Financial Security Professional
Forbes spotlights financial advisor Tom Mitchell.
Faculty Spotlight: Dr. Haoyu Wang
By John Gavin Dr. Haoyu Wang sits in his small office in the Manufacturing & Construction Management department, with a PowerPoint open of his student’s major accomplishments. As he scrolls through
Here to lead the band
By Sarah Kaufman This fall, the Central Connecticut State University (Central) football field will be alive with the sounds of cheering fans, crushing tackles, and music when the marching band returns
Collins pens 'Play Book' for creativity and connection
By Amy Barry You may be puzzled by the whimsical drawing of a cow staring out at you from the cover of a new book by Central English professor Mary Collins. You also may be mystified by the title, “A
Faculty Spotlight: Theatre professor Christie Maturo
By Julia Wnuk Bright stage lights shine overhead, and the rhythmic clamoring of a hammer against nails grows louder as Central Professor Christie Maturo walks through the back door of the Black Box
First assignment at Central? Community service projects
The room filled with audible gasps as Dr. Beth Merenstein informed an incoming class of college students that 76.1 percent of New Britain school aged children are eligible for free or reduced-price
Central physicist garners prestigious research award
Dr. Rahul Singhal, a faculty member at Central Connecticut State University, has won a prestigious award for research in the dynamic field of sustainable energy. The award is conferred annually by the
NSF grant to fund the greater good at Central
How do you quantify the power of the greater good? The Computer Science Department at Central Connecticut State University (Central) is working on it, boosted most recently by a $400,000 grant from