General Education Assessment Timeline

In 2014, Central established and piloted an effective model for assessing Central’s General Education Learning Objectives/Outcomes, namely Critical Thinking (CT), Written Communication (WC), Quantitative Literacy (QL), Information Literacy (IL), and Civic Engagement (CE). Our experience with this model led to a proposed timeline for assessing learning objectives/outcomes that was both sustainable and ensured that all learning outcomes were assessed on a regular basis. Faculty across all schools voluntarily provided feedback and suggestions for the sequence in which our Learning Outcomes should be assessed. A projected assessment cycle timeline, presented to the Faculty Senate in November 2017, continues the assessment of three General Education Objectives/Outcomes, namely CT, WC, and QL, every other year. The assessment of remaining learning outcomes are proposed in the intervening years. Click here for a proposed Learning Objectives/Outcomes Assessment Timeline and a crosswalk linking NEASC Academic Program standards with VALUE and TAP rubrics and Central GenEd Learning Objectives/Outcomes.