Moriah Maresh earned her BA in English at The Ohio State University and her MA in English at Central Connecticut State University where she teaches Writing. Her academic writing has been published by Oxford University Press, Verbeia: Journal of English and Spanish Studies, and several international conference proceedings. She is also part of UConn's UCAELI program, where she teaches reading, writing, and grammar, and offers supplemental support to international students.
"Food Studies and the Reemergence of Levi-Strauss's Structuralism in Literary Criticism." Verbeia: Journal of English and Spanish Studies, April 28, 2022.
"Cosmopolitanism." Oxford University Press, February 2021.
Editor of the EL&LE International Conference Proceedings in 2020 and 2022
WRT 100 Fundamentals of Composition
ESL 100 Fundamentals of Composition
WRT 105 Introduction to College Writing
ESL 105 Introduction to College Writing
WRT 110 Introduction to College Writing