
University Singers performs a wide variety of excellent music. Here are a few representative selections from recent years:


Anon. Spanish: "Dadme albricias, Hijos d'Eva"
Byrd: "Sing Joyfully unto God"
Des Prez: "Gloria" (from Missa Pange Lingua), "Gaude virgo, Maria"
Farmer: "Fair Phyllis I Saw Sitting All Alone"
Hassler: "Verbum caro factum est"
Morley: "Agnus Dei," "Fyre, Fyre!"
Palestrina: "Exultate Deo"
St. Godric: "Sancta Nicholas"
Szamotuły: "Ego sum pastor bonus," "Modlitwa, gdy dziatki spac ida"
Victoria: "O Magnum Misterium"
Zielenski: "O gloriosa Domine," "Haec Dies"


Bach: "Jesu, Meine Freude," "Ich Lasse dich nicht," "Komm, Jesu, komm"
Gorczycki: "Laetatus sum"
Lotti: "Crucifixus" (from Credo in F)
Monteverdi: "Sfogava con le stelle"
Pachelbel: "Nun Danket Alle Gott"
Schütz: "So fahr ich hin"
Sweelinck: "Hodie, Christus Natus Est"


Brahms: "Abendständchen"
Delius: "To Sung of a Summer Night on the Water"
Mendelssohn: "Denn er hat seinen Engeln befohlen über dir"
Rheinberger: "Sanctus (from Cantus Missa)", "Abendlied"
Stanford: "Coelos Ascendit Hodie" (from Three Motets)


Albright: "Kyrie" (from Chichester Mass)
Argento: "So I'll Sing With My Voice"
Barber: "Reincarnations" (entire)
Barnwell: "Wanting Memories," "On Children," "Journey" [world premiere]
Berger: "The Eyes of All Wait Upon Thee"
Britten: "The Ballad of Green Broom"
Bruce: "The First Amendment"
Christiansen, F. M.: "Lamb of God"
Collins: "We Are One" [world premiere]
Conte: "Ave Maria"
Debussy: "Trois Chansons de Charles d'Orléans" (entire)
Finzi: "My Spirit Sang All Day"
Górecki: "Wislo Moja, Wislo Szara"
Gjeilo: "Ubi Caritas," "Prelude"
Hill: "Voices of Autumn"
Ives: "The Sixty-Seventh Psalm"
Pärt: "Bogoroditse Djevo"
Paulus: "Pilgrim's Hymn," "Evensong"
Pfautsch: "Stars"
Poulenc: "Videntes Stellam"
Rorem: "Shout the Glad Tidings," "While All Things Were in Quiet Silence"
Rutter: "A Choral Fanfare"
Spencer: "At the Round Earth's Imagin'd Corners"
Tavener: "The Lamb"
Thompson: "Alleluia"
Ticheli: "Earth Song"
Titcomb: "I Will Not Leave You Comfortless"
Vaughan Williams: "Over Hill, Over Dale," "Wassail Song"
Whitacre: "Lux Aurumque," "A Boy and a Girl"


Ainsworth Psalter: "To God Our Strength (Psalm 81)"
Billings: "Chester (Let Tyrants Shake Their Iron Rod)," "Shiloh (Methinks I See An Heavenly Host)"
Folksong (arr. Erb): "Shenandoah"
Foster (arr. Keller): "Hard Times Come Again No More"
Hymn (arr. McDermid): "Come, Sing To Me of Heaven"
Spiritual (arr. Green): "Ride Up in the Chariot"
Spiritual (arr. Simpson): "Hold On!"
Spiritual (arr. Thomas): "Go Down in the Valley and Pray"
Spiritual (arr. Whalum): "He's the Lily of the Valley"
Vocal Jazz (Gershwin, arr. Zegree): "Love Walked Right In"


Chinese (arr. Chen): "Fengyang Ge"
Chinese (arr. Chen): "Molihua"
Chinese (arr. Chen): "Diu Diu Deng"
Chinese (arr. Jennings): "PengYou, Teng!"
Edenroth: "Chili Con Carne"
Hebrew (arr. Berteaux): "S'Vivon"
Williams: "Happy"