What is Consent?
Consent is active; both parties say “yes.” It is ongoing and can be withdrawn at any time without fear or explanation. Consent is a must for every form of sexual activity every time. You have the right to withdraw consent even if you have consented to sexual activity with the person in the past.
- Consent is agreeing to specific sexual behavior willingly. Obtaining consent is the responsibility of the person initiating the sexual contact. not valid if forced, intimidated or coerced. It is not valid when judgment is impaired using alcohol/drugs or if the person is sleeping or unconscious.
What is Sexual Assault?
Sexual assault is a crime that will not be tolerated at Central Connecticut State University. It includes, but is not limited to, a sexual act directed against another person without the consent (as defined in the Board of Regent’s Sexual Misconduct Policy) of the other person or when that person is not capable of giving such consent. Any person can be a victim or a perpetrator.
- Examples: rape, attempted rape, and/or intentional touching a person's body for sexual gratification without their consent.
What is Intimate Partner, Domestic and/or Dating Violence?
Intimate partner, domestic and/or dating violence includes acts of violence or threats of violence that occur between individuals who are family or household members, or persons are in a current or former dating or cohabitating relationship. Intimate partner violence may include physical
abuse, emotional abuse, and threats of abuse.
- Examples: assault, rape, domestic or family violence involving physical force, stalking, texting that contains obscene material, electronic communication that contain serious threats of physical violence, and violation of a protective or restraining order issued by a court.
What is Stalking?
Stalking is defined as obsessive or unwanted contact of another person. This contact may cause reasonable apprehension of imminent physical harm or affect one's ability to perform daily life functions. It is when someone repeatedly contacts you, follows you, talks to you when you do not want them to, or threatens you.
- Examples: unwanted communication (email, texting, instant messaging, and other electronic forms), damaging personal property, showing up places you go, or sending unwanted gifts.