Career Resources

Media and Communications Occupations

These workers use words and images to convey information and ideas.

Overall employment in media and communication occupations is projected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations from 2022 to 2032. About 114,300 openings are projected each year, on average, in these occupations due to employment growth and the need to replace workers who leave the occupations permanently.

The median annual wage for media and communication workers (such as public relations specialists, news analysts, and writers and authors) was $66,240 in May 2022, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations of $46,310. Media and communication equipment workers (such as broadcast technicians, film and video editors, and photographers) had a median annual wage of $52,840 in May 2022, which was higher than the median annual wage for all occupations.

Advertising and Promotions Managers
Audio/Visual Specialist
Broadcast, Sound and Media Technicians
Film and Video Editors and Camera Operators   
Marketing Manager
News Analysts, Reporters and Journalists
Public Relations Managers
Public Relations Specialist
Technical Writer
Writers and Authors
For additional information on each occupation or any others you may be considering, please visit the Occupational Outlook Handbook, a nationally recognized source of career information, put together by the U.S. Department of Labor.
U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics 

Other Career and Job Resources
16 Top Jobs For Graduates With Communication Degrees
10 Careers in Communications You Should Consider  
Career One Stop
12 Careers in Strategic Communications To Consider
Central Career Development Office

Professional Associations 
American Communication Association
Association for Business Communication
Association for Women in Communications
Eastern Communication Association
International Association of Business Communicators
International Communication Association
International Public Relations Association  
Magazine Publishers of America
National Association of Broadcasters
National Communication Association
Public Relations Society of America
Public Relations Student Society of America
Society for Technical Communication
Society for Human Resource Management