Applied Linguistics & TESOL
The field of Applied Linguistics covers any practical application of linguistic theory, but it is most often associated with theory-informed language teaching and with the study of governmental and institutional policies regarding language use. At Central, our Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics offers tracks in both English language teaching (TESOL) and language policy and planning (LPP), while other parallel programs focused on Connecticut State Teacher Certification, a shorter TESOL certificate, and undergraduate minor programs are also available.
The Teaching of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) is an independent discipline requiring specialized knowledge and skills. In addition to pedagogical skills and respect for cultural diversity, a TESOL professional must possess a curiosity about the underlying cognitive systems and social processes at work in the use of human language and be able to link these to current theories of language acquisition and teaching practices.
Since 1972, Central Connecticut State University (CCSU) has offered programs and courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels for professionals and pre-professionals who want formal training in or familiarity with TESOL and Applied Linguistics. Graduates currently teach, or engage in related work, in many countries around the world, across numerous locations in the United States, and in a wide range of Connecticut elementary and secondary schools, as well as adult education programs, intensive language institutes, and community colleges. A few others work in language-focused roles in publishing, government, and institutional management.
As the program has grown, we have strengthened our focus on theoretically founded language teaching and our commitment to promoting multilingualism and cultural diversity in our communities. Join us in one of our many programs and courses, which can help you realize your professional and personal goals.