Academic Coaching

Academic Coaching

Academic coaching is a unique, specialized service, geared towards helping individuals reach their academic potential. Academic coaches provide students with new study strategies, better organization and time management skills, general moral support, and create a supportive learning environment in which students are held accountable for their own success. Students meet with a coach on a one-on-one basis, setting short- and long-term goals, while developing the skills needed to achieve those goals.

TLC provides Academic Coaching both in-person and online! Online coaching is available through the Microsoft Teams platform, so you are automatically able to link to your coach through the Teams invite you will receive. MS Teams supports audio, video and phone calls. If you have connectivity challenges, please indicate that in your email.

If you would like to be connected to a coach, please email Natalie Ford, and include this information: Your full Name, Student ID, best Phone number, and what Services you are seeking.

Also include the best day of the week and a few times, so that we can try to return your email with an appointment time. Natalie will be responding to your request via email.


Academic coaching is FREE and available for ALL Central students! Take advantage of this helpful service!


How can academic coaching help you?

Tutor and Student
If you would like to...
  • work one-on-one to find a personalized approach to your academics
  • find ways to raise your GPA
  • get organized and stay motivated
  • check in with someone periodically to stay on track with your schoolwork
  • learn about other academic support services that will enhance your success
  • learn better study strategies
...then academic coaching is for you!
Academic coaching explores, inspires, encourages, and facilitates the most effective approach to successful learning and academic success.