Central P.A.S.S. Program

If you are ready to commit to your college success, the PASS program may be right for you!

If you are interested in participating in the PASS Program contact our PASS Coordinator:

Jessica Chamble 
Willard DiLoreto D309

PASS grant funded program, supported by the Minority Advancement Program administered by the Office of Higher Education. The program supports students of color who are on academic probation to achieve academic good standing and provides the tools needed to be successful at CCSU.

  • As a PASS student (ID 102), you would be enrolled in a one-credit course, that meets twice a week for one hour.

  • The classes are discussion based designed around specific needs.

    • Provides the opportunity to identify and overcome personal barriers with the support of the PASS coordinator and your peers.

  • Class discussions centered on learning strategies and skills to navigating college.

  • Students on academic probation, are required to participate in an academic intervention.

  • The PASS program would serve as your academic intervention for the semester.

  • Earn 1 academic credit for completing this intervention!

    • This is the only intervention that you receive credit for participating in.

Also gain access to:

  • A Resource Center- qualifying PASS participants will have the privilege of accessing textbooks for their classes, laptops, headsets, calculators, throughout the semester while participating in the program.

  • Connection to campus resources.

    • Presentations/ workshops with various offices on campus (financial aid, counseling, wellness, career development, financial literacy, tutoring, the writing center).

  • A positive and supportive environment to navigate challenges and build community.