Placement Testing

Writing Placement Testing

For the Central Writing Placement Exam click here or contact Careen Szarmach at

Foreign Language Placement Testing

There are many benefits to taking your language placement test as soon as you start your studies at Central. Once enrolled in a course at the right level for you, you can begin a language major (10 courses) or a minor (only 6 courses), which pair well with any primary major.

You can also meet your language requirement during your first semester. Contact Dr. Lourdes Casas ( to schedule a placement test and to learn more about how a language major or minor can serve your long-term professional goals!

Math Placement Testing

*Please note the math placement test can only be taken once. The placement exam is used for initial placement into a math class. If you have started a math class here at Central, you are not eligible to take the math placement test.

We are currently offering in-person placement testing, in The Learning Center, Willard-DiLoreto Hall, Room D316. To initiate a math placement test, please fill out the form below. The Learning Center will use the information to contact you to schedule your placement test.

Math Placement Test Request

The Learning Center will use the information to contact you regarding scheduling your placement test.

What to Bring for your Placement Test

  • A photo ID – Acceptable forms include driver’s license, state approved or federal ID, military ID, college ID or high school ID, or passport
  • Pen or pencil
  • No calculators or cell phones are allowed for the test
  • No notebooks or paper. Our office will provide the scrap paper.

The following links offer information and practice exercises for the Math placement exam