Cone with a Cop

Police outside the student center with students holding ice cream

Building Trust

CCSUPD has a main and overarching goal of allowing students, staff, and faculty to live and learn in an inclusive and safe environment where they get to know their campus police officers. We are constantly looking for ways to engage with our community as we are a part of it as well. We have all given our lives to serving and enjoy any opportunity to serve you, whether it be by service, or sometimes, ice cream.

Cone with a Cop is a new renovation to Coffee with a Cop. It provides CCSUPD the opportunity to engage with our community on campus in a positive way where students and staff are free to converse and enjoy activities, ice cream, and helpful tools to keep you safe while on campus. Our goal is to make sure you feel valued and comfortable enough to talk to your campus police officers about anything you feel we should know or discuss.

If you have questions about Cone with a Cop, would like to schedule an event, or your organization is interested in co-sponsoring an event, email or call 860 632-2388.