Helpful Links:
Direct Connection to Central Police
LiveSafe Mobile App
Identity Theft - Avoiding Victimization
Personal safety is foremost a personal responsibility. An essential fact to remember on the topic of personal safety is the importance of being aware of your surroundings. Ask yourself, "Am I increasing the chances that I may become a victim of crime?"
Personal crime prevention starts with the use of your common senses, easily ignored in our busy everyday lives. The following personal safety tips are nothing new, but it is important to be reminded of them from time to time. Remember that crime happens during the day as well as at night.
Do not walk alone! Use the buddy system.
Do not walk in dimly lit areas or take risky short cuts. Use well-traveled and well-lit areas.
Do not jog alone-run with a partner. It's more fun and.. it's safer.
Do not carry large sums of money or flash money around. Money attracts attention.
Do not wear walkman-type earphones, especially at night, while walking or driving. They can prevent you from hearing what is going on around you.
If you feel that you're being followed or you sense something wrong, change direction or cross the street and head for a well-lit area, any occupied building or to an emergency phone where you will be in direct contact with the police dispatcher on campus.
If you are threatened scream "FIRE" and not the word "help." In today's society the word "fire" attracts more attention. Remember the criminal does not like noise or attention.
Don't overload yourself with excessive books and/or other personal items when walking.
Carry your purse close to your body and have the flap against your body. If a purse/wallet snatcher or mugger confronts you do not resist. Money, credit cards and other items may easily be replaced. You cannot. You should record all credit card account numbers and keep them in a safe place.
Security Escort
The Central Police Department provides safety escorts to members of the campus community who may be concerned about walking alone. Safety escorts are provided by members of the Student Patrol, civilian support personnel from the police department, or by police officers, depending on staffing. Call Police Dispatch at 860-832-2375 or from any of the Campus Safety Phones.
Education and Crime Prevention Programs:
The Central Police Department provides various educational and crime prevention programs. If you are interested in having a program in your area, complete the Program Request Form below. Programs are scheduled based on the availability of personnel.
Sample Programs available:
- Campus Safety
- Drug/Alcohol Abuse
- Sexual Assault Awareness On campus
- Domestic Violence
- DUI Laws and Enforcement
- K-9 Demonstration
- Vandalism
- Bicycle Safety
- Date Rape Drugs and Other Drugs