Sec. 10(a) 92 of the Connecticut General Statutes provides that parking fines, less an amount not to exceed the cost of enforcing traffic and parking regulations, may be deposited and used for scholarships and library services or acquisitions. This section also authorizes the establishment of a committee to hear appeals of penalties assessed for parking violations.
To file an appeal of a Central parking ticket, click HERE and follow the instructions on the form.
Parking & Traffic Appeals Committee
Functions & Responsibilities
The functions and responsibilities of the committee are to hear and decide appeals of penalties assessed for violations of the parking and traffic regulations of Central Connecticut State University as approved by the Board of Trustees and the State Traffic Commission. This committee has no authority over towing charges.
The membership of the committee shall consist of one member elected from each academic school; one administrator; two students (one residential, one commuter) appointed by the university president; the director of Public Safety, ex officio; and each union other than AAUP is eligible to elect one of its members. (Handbook author’s note: This means no librarians, counselors, or coaches can serve on this committee.)
- Appeals shall be filed with the chairperson of the committee on the approved form within 10 calendar days of the date of the ticket.
- Appeal decisions shall be by majority vote of the committee members present and voting.
- Notification of the committee's decision shall be by mail.