Make an Appointment


M-Th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (face to face and online)
W & Th 6 - 8 p.m. (online only)
F 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (face to face and online)

Walk-Ins always welcome!

Amanda Fields
Associate Professor
Writing Center
Denaya Christopherson
Writing Center
Kiedra Taylor
Writing Center

Faculty Writing Circle

The Faculty Writing Circle takes place on Teams. Click here to request to add your name to our group on Microsoft Teams so that you don’t miss any communications from us.

A collaboration between the Writing Center and the Center for Teaching and Faculty Development (CTFD), our Faculty Writing Circle (FWC) takes place on selected Friday mornings, 9 a.m. - 12 p.m. You are welcome to drop in at any time to write during our meeting time.

The purpose of the FWC is to offer a concentrated time for junior faculty across disciplines to focus on their work with supportive colleagues. These Fridays are a way to move forward on our creative and scholarly activities and reaffirm our commitment to their significance. At the beginning of each session, we spend about ten minutes stating our goals for the day. Then: we write. The final few minutes of the session are spent recounting how we've moved forward during the session. This can make us accountable to our individual work as well as help us empathize when we don't meet our goals in the way we want to.

We encourage you to come to the FWC to write, focus, and build community! If you have any questions, please contact Dr. Amanda Fields.