Writing Center Staff

We are thrilled to welcome you to the Writing Center! Each of us is ready to assist you at any stage of your writing project. While we all have specific tutoring strengths, we are ready and able to help you with any aspect of writing.

Check out our awesome staff below. Some of us even have superpowers.

Amanda Fields

Dr. Amanda Fields

aka, The Sentence Slayer
Director & Assistant Professor of English

Hi, everyone! I'm the Writing Center director and an Assistant Professor of English. My areas of specialization are rhetoric, composition, and creative writing. I've worked at writing centers in Minnesota, Egypt, Arizona, and California, and I directed a writing center in Kansas prior to coming to Central in 2018. Those of us who work at writing centers know that, while writing may seem daunting, it can also be worthwhile and satisfying, and it can be especially helpful to converse with others during your writing process. At the Writing Center, you'll have a good conversation with a tutor and take a few steps toward your writing goals.

I'm also known as the Sentence Slayer. While I'd never be so cruel as to slay my students' sentences, I do take a sharp stake to my own! When I work with individual writers, I love to help them with coherence and concision. If you haven't guessed yet, I'm also quite fond of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.


Denaya Christopherson

Denaya Christopherson, M.A.

aka, Brainstorm

I’m Denaya! I previously worked in the Writing Center as a Graduate Assistant, and I’m so excited to return as a Coordinator. The Writing Center is such a welcoming space and an incredible resource for students. Writers at any stage and any level can benefit from coming to see us!

I am passionate about Indigenous literatures and wrote my master’s thesis on contemporary Indigenous novels. In my free time, I enjoy reading, beading, and taking care of my cat and umbrella cockatoo.

If I were a Writing Center superhero, I’d be Brainstorm. Brainstorming is my favourite part of the writing process, and I know many techniques for generating ideas!


Kiedra Taylor

Kiedra B. Taylor, M.A.

aka, Mx. Clippy

Hi! I’m Kiedra B. Taylor, one of the Coordinators at the Writing Center. I’m passionate about reading, writing, and community outreach. I believe everyone should maintain a relationship with the Writing Center, regardless of writing level.

I’m a PhD candidate at the University of Connecticut’s College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I earned my Master’s in English at San State University. I’m also the founder and editor of Write On, Black Girl!, a magazine that centers the voices of Black cis- and trans-gender girls, and Black fem-identifying folx. Along with my work on African American literature, my research focuses on the role of rage and shame in YA literature that features Black girl protagonists.


Sydney Lauer

Sydney Lauer

aka, the Synonym Scout
Graduate Assistant Tutor, English

Hi! My name is Sydney Lauer, a graduate student in the English MA program! Before coming to Central, I was a peer mentor and senior intern for the English and Creative Writing Department at Roger Williams University. As an undergrad, my thesis was about why Victorian women writers used the sonnet form in their writing to talk about obstacles and social issues they faced in and outside of the private sphere. After graduating in May, I had the opportunity to work as a substitute teacher for Naugatuck Public Schools and work as a paraeducator for the 2023 Summer School Program. 

On the off chance I'm not doing schoolwork, you'll probably find me somewhere with a good book (please tell me what you're reading! I will find any chance to talk about books!), showing anyone and everyone pictures of my cat, and making bad playlists on Spotify. 

You may know me as Sydney, but I am also secretly the Synonym Scout! You'll always find me nearby with a thesaurus at the ready, prepared to help you turn your writing into the spectacular masterpiece it deserves to be! 


Georgine Revilloza

Georgine Revilloza

aka, The Curious Conqueror
Graduate Assistant Tutor, English

Hi! I'm Georgine, a graduate student on the Literary Studies track. Working at the Writing Center is a great opportunity. I am thrilled to help other people with their writing, and, in turn, hone my own skills to go above and beyond. During my free time, you can catch me reading, listening to new music, drinking tea, conquering gyms in Pokémon GO, and trying out (and getting perpetually confused by) tabletop games such as Villainous and Dominion. 

If I were a writing-themed superhero, I would be The Curious Conqueror. I am absolutely fascinated by the world of writing, like investigating what works and why, and will stop at nothing to learn more!

Crystle Adhikary

Crystle Adhikary

Office Assistant

I’m a junior with a major in communication. I like to socialize, make friends, write poems and stories, travel, and learn about different cultures. I encourage all students to come to the Writing Center.




Ryan Kuhns

Ryan Kuhns

Office Assistant

Hi everyone! I am a freshman here at Central, and I am currently majoring in Marketing. Writing is incredibly fun, especially when you have a creative mind. It makes things easier when you put your mind to it. I am a very friendly person so don't be shy about asking questions. I look forward to helping you and others with scheduling your appointments and making sure everything is a fun experience at the Writing Center!


Rishika Parmar

Rishika Parmar

aka, The Optimist

Hey everyone! I’m Rishika, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science. Writing has always been a favorite hobby of mine, dating all the way back to elementary school, and as a tutor, I get to explore and flourish my skills, which is pretty cool! Some of my other hobbies include singing, playing the piano, reading, binging Netflix, and consuming large amounts of frappuccinos. If I were a superhero, I’d be called “The Optimist,” because I believe in having a positive attitude while working through challenging content. Writing can be difficult at times, but it’s important to know that you’ve got this! Everything will work out in the end if you display perseverance and the dedication to learn!


Matt Poulin

Matt Poulin

aka, Super Scribe

Hello, my name is Matt, and I'm a sophomore majoring in English Education. My interests include reading, movies, and playing guitar. My friends and peers have always trusted me to help them with their papers, and I anticipate extending this trust through my work at the Writing Center. I look forward to helping you become a stronger writer and giving advice that can be used for the rest of your academic career and beyond.

jasmine ross

Jasmine Ross

Office Assistant

I am a junior majoring in Psychology. Outside of school, I love to hang out with my friends and family. I also enjoy going to the movies and drawing.





Desiree Scognamiglio

Desiree Scognamiglio

Office Assistant

I’ve always had a passion for writing, and, though I’m not a tutor, I’m very excited and grateful to be working for the Writing Center to help others. I’m a kind, easygoing person and never judge, so feel free to ask me any questions. I also love reading, art, and nature. I look forward to helping everyone with scheduling and other needs in the Writing Center! 



Oph Saly

Oph Saly

aka, The Alliterative Angel

Hi all! I’m an English major with a minor in Art History. I've worked at the Writing Center for a while now, and my favorite thing about the Writing Center is the ram painting being able to help others see the value in their own writing. It's the most rewarding part of the job, which is why I keep doing it. In my time away from the WC, I'm a member of the Pride club on campus and a DJ for the campus radio station. GO WFCS!

If I were a writing-themed superhero, my name would be The Alliterative Angel. Catchy, right? Alliteration is an admirable quality of any writing, but it isn't the only important part. I'm always glad to get down into the gritty world of grammar, global ideas (like content and flow), and citations.


Michael Scherer

Michael "Purple" Scherer

aka, The Story Spinner
any pronouns
Free Palestine

Hey everyone! My name is Michael, but some people call me Purple. I bet you can't guess why. I am working on my degree in English Education with a minor in Creative Writing. I grew up as a kid with my nose always in a book and developed a passion for writing at a young age. Coming to Central, I took a creative writing class on a whim, and that class inspired me to become a teacher of writing. I love storytelling, both in writing (usually fiction!), and vocally, and I'm a huge fan of Dungeons and Dragons and other tabletop games. My goal as a tutor is to help writers find passion, enjoyment, and the motivation and drive to improve as writers.

If I were a writing-themed superhero, my name would be The Story Spinner. I love to tell stories. I am OBSESSED with Dungeons and Dragons, and my favorite thing about it is helping give my friends the opportunity to do cool things and pointing them in the right direction to feel awesome in their fantasy character's shoes. Along with that, my brain is constantly full of ideas, and I'm great at finding new and interesting directions for writing to go in.


Carlos Tirado

Carlos Tirado


Hey, I’m Carlos. I am a sophomore here at Central and I am a pre-nursing major. When I am not studying for classes, I enjoy going to the gym and spending time with friends on and off campus. Writing used to be a struggle point for me growing up, so I want to use the opportunity to help those who may also be struggling. I hope that the Writing Center can help you all, and I look forward to seeing how my fellow tutors or myself can assist you!

Make an Appointment

Spring 2024 Hours

M-Th 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. (face to face and online)
W & Th 6 - 8 p.m. (online only)
F 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (face to face and online)

Walk-Ins always welcome!

Amanda Fields
Assistant Professor
Writing Center
Denaya Christopherson
Writing Center
Kiedra Taylor
Writing Center