Budget Guidelines

For Budget questions including but not limited to Transfers, Ad hoc/Automated Reports and Training email budget@ccsu.edu.

Position Control (PC) Allocations:

PC values are controlled by the appropriate Vice President or Chief for each area based on the following categories:

a. Full-Time
b. Permanent Part-Time

Budget Allocations:

Budgets are allocated by the appropriate Vice President or Chief for each area. Funds are then apportioned by each department into the following categories:

a. Discretionary Personal Services (DPS)
b. Overtime
c. Other Expenses/Equipment (OE)

Office of the Vice President Academic Affairs distributes the Lecturer-Teaching allocations.

Note: Budget funds should be used for operating expenses for the current fiscal year. Funds should not be used or committed to pay for expenses that will occur in the following fiscal year.

Banner accounts have been designated into "pools" for budgeting purposes. These pools consist of the following categories:

  • 600001 - Discretionary Personal Services (DPS)
  • 601501 - Overtime
  • 700000 - Other Expenses/Equipment (OE)
  • 600003 - Lecturer-Teaching

Budget transfers from Index / Budget Pool will require a budget transfer request. Email the following information to budget@ccsu.edu with the budget manager copied:

FROM:  Index-Pool (DPS/OE) 
TO:  Index-Pool (DPS/OE) 
AMOUNT:   Amount 
REASON: Need for Audit Purposes 

University Budgeted Operating Funds are not interchangeable with:

a. AAUP Funds
b. Grants
c. Indirect Cost Funds
d. Self-Supporting Funds (SS to Operating is permissible)
e. Student Government
f.  Lab Accounts

Personal budget training classes for employees are offered by the budget department. To schedule e-mail budget@ccsu.edu. This class is designed to allow users to query budget information including index balances (summary and detail) and open encumbrances.



Banner Access:  
Banner Request