Personal Service Agreements

The Personal Service Agreement (PSA) is used for the commitment of funds concerning all non-employment contracts for personal services that are not issued on a Purchase Order. Personal services include assistance performed by individuals, partnerships, or corporations of a professional or technical nature. It is important to note that this section is not intended to define employer/employee relationships.

The process required to execute a PSA can be complex, and at times, cumbersome. Many variables can change the path of a PSA. As a result of these changing variables, the PSA may require additional reviews and approvals. Therefore, sufficient lead time is a critical factor.

Any department wishing to issue a PSA to an independent contractor must first contact the Contract Compliance and Procurement Services Manager. A PSA requires the approval of the Office of the Attorney General; therefore, the Contract Compliance and Procurement Services should be notified of the department's request six weeks in advance of the first date of service. No service should take place until the contractor is notified that the contract has been signed and approved by all parties. Contracts that are submitted near or after the start date will be revised to reflect a reasonable future start date and no services should be performed until the adjusted start date has been approved by all signatory parties.

PSAs equal to or more than $10,000 will need to go out to bid prior to being issued; therefore, additional lead time will be needed.


Late Justification Form

Disbursement Form (Fill-in Form)

IRS Form W-9 Tax ID Verification

Contract Request Form

Any questions, please contact the Contract Compliance and Procurement Services Manager at 860.832.2534.