Official Departmental/University records may not be destroyed or disposed of without proper, prior authorization. As a state agency, Central Connecticut State University is obligated to obtain permission from the Office of the Public Records Administrator and State Archives PRIOR to the disposal of such records.
When considering whether or not a record can or should be shredded, it needs to be determined who is the "keeper" of the form. A "keeper" is defined as the department who is responsible for the original version of the record and is the only one who needs to adhere to the records disposal guidelines for that particular record. The department chairperson or executive committee member will designate a Records Custodian (i.e. the individual having possession of and responsibility for the care and control of the material).
For example, Academic Affairs completes a Purchase Requisition to obtain office supplies. Academic Affairs keeps a copy of the Purchase Requisition and forwards the original Purchase Requisition to the Purchasing Department. The Purchasing Department is responsible for holding onto the Purchase Requisition and obtaining permission to destroy the record in accordance with the Records Retention schedules.
The following is a state employee resource for managing your accumulated records, designed for retiring employees (although useful for anyone organizing records): Guidance for Managing Accumulated Records
In order to receive approval to destroy paper records that have been scanned in Hyland OnBase, an RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) form, Authorization for Disposal of Original (Non-Permanent) Paper Records Stored as Digital Images, must be completed. The Form RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1), approved by the Office of the Public Records Administrator and State Archives, designates the scanned image as the official record copy and the scanned images must be maintained in compliance with the retention requirements listed on the applicable records retention schedules issued by the Public Records Administrator.
In order to receive approval to destroy records that have not been scanned in Hyland OnBase, an RC-108 form, Records Disposition Authorization - State Agencies, must be completed. The records on the RC-108 form must meet the records retention schedule standards.
In completing the RC-108 or RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) form, the first step is to consult the records retention schedules in determining the category of the records you wish to destroy. The retention schedules may be found at:
INFOSYS Information Systems Records (The RC 109 - Certificate of Records Disposition for Electronic Data Processing Records, must be used in conjunction with Information Systems Records)
LIBRARY Library, Museum, Special Collection, and Archival Records
PUBSAFTY Public Safety and Emergency Services Records
The records retention schedules list record titles common to most State agencies. Determining where your records fall within these categories is sometimes difficult. Fiscal Affairs would be glad to provide assistance to determine what Retention Schedule and Record Series Title you should use if a brief description of the proposed records for disposal can be provided. It is important to ensure that none of the records you wish to destroy are categorized "permanent", especially where personnel records are concerned.
The Volume of Records Measurement Guide below may be used to help you determine how to list the total volume of records on the disposition form.
Volume of Records Measurement Guide
Once you have determined the category of the records you wish to dispose, an RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) form must be completed for paper records that have been scanned in Hyland OnBase or an RC-108 form must be completed for records that have not been scanned. The RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) or RC-108 form must be sent to lopeza@ccsu.edu. The forms can be found at:
RC-140 - Authorization for Disposal of Original Non-Permanent Paper Records Stored as Digital Images
RC-108 - Records Disposal Authorization Form
The Records Management Liaison Officer for Central will verify that these records meet the approved retention schedules for destruction and will sign off as the Records Management Liaison Officer for Central. The signed RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) or RC-108 form will be forwarded to the State Library for approval. Once Fiscal Affairs receives the approved document back from the state archivist, you will be notified that Central has received approval to destroy the records and a copy of the approved RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) or RC-108 form will be provided to the department. The approval process may take up to four weeks.
Upon such notification, it is the responsibility of each individual department to arrange for the shredding and disposal of the documents with our contract vendor below. Fiscal Affairs will ask the department to provide the actual date of the disposal and any related supporting documentation (e.g., Certificate of Destruction).
- Infoshred, LLC, 3 Craftsman Road, East Windsor, CT 06088 (860) 627-5800
Your University P-Card is accepted for service charges of $2,500 or less.
A Purchase Requisition should be submitted for services exceeding $2,500.
We have found that using bankers boxes available through WB Mason, our on-line contract vendor for ordering supplies, to be excellent for storing records and ultimately the disposal of them. The boxes can hold up to 1.0 cubic feet and are easy to handle and store.
Please remember that records may not be destroyed without following the procedures indicated above which is mandated by state statute. The state auditors do make note of this while performing their compliance audit.
To receive assistance in completing the RC-140 (formerly RC-108.1) or RC-108 form, or to receive assistance in categorizing your proposed records for destruction, please contact Central's RMLO, Amy Lopez at x22534 or lopeza@ccsu.edu or Central's Assistant RMLO, Margaret Nowicki at x22504 or margaret.nowicki@ccsu.edu.
Last Updated 02/28/2025