Tax Exemption Number
Central Connecticut State University is a tax-exempt organization. The University's tax exemption number is 06-1303381CSU84000. A copy of the University's agency exemption certificate can be found on the Purchasing Card Forms. The tax-exempt number appears on the face of each Purchasing Card, directly below the cardholder's name.
This number should be provided to all vendors by the cardholder at the time of the transaction to exempt payment of state sales tax. Please remember that the University is a tax-exempt institution and purchases should not include any state sales tax.
When making purchases, every effort should be made by the cardholder to ensure that Connecticut sales tax is not charged. If sales tax is billed incorrectly to the cardholder's account, it is the responsibility of the cardholder to make a diligent effort to have a credit issued [applies only to State of Connecticut vendors] in a timely manner. Out-of-state vendors do not have to honor our tax-exempt status.
If the audit team encounters repeated failures to rectify sales tax issues, the cardholder may lose cardholder privileges for a specific time depending on the severity of the infraction.