Moving Expenses

It is Board of Trustee and University Policy that only the President is authorized to offer partial reimbursement for out-of-state moving expenses for prospective employees (BR #07-43). This authorization must be in writing. The President's approval must be received prior to the department making any offer of reimbursement to the candidate. This approval happens through the appropriate Dean or Administrative Department Head, and then through the Provost or Chief Officer.

Moving expenses reimbursement requests must be submitted for processing to the Travel Department in accordance with the following:

  • The employee must provide a completed and signed Moving Expense Report (Excel file in email)
  • The employee must provide the original copy of all applicable receipts, showing a zero balance or indication that payment has been made.
  • The Employee Voucher and accompanying receipts must be separated into two categories:
    • Transportation/Storage 
    • Travel and lodging as detailed below.
  • Only Internal Revenue Service (IRS) qualified moving expenses may be reimbursed. Qualified moving expenses are those that would be deductible by the employee as a moving expense if they had been directly incurred by the employee.
    • Reasonable expenses of moving household goods and personal effects from a former residence to a new residence
    • Reasonable expenses of traveling (including lodging) from a former residence to a new place of residence. NOTE: Meals are not considered a qualified moving expense. 
    • The reasonable expenses of moving household goods and personal effects include the actual charge for transportation of household goods and personal effects, charges for packing, and charges for in-transit storage.
  • The reasonable expenses of traveling include only one trip made by the employee and members of his/her household. It is not necessary that they all travel together or at the same time. 
  • If the employee uses his/her own car(s) for transportation, mileage incurred will be paid in accordance with IRS rates for moving expenses for the most direct route available. Mileage will be determined using Mapquest.

Qualified moving expense reimbursements are not subject to withholding taxes or retirement contributions and are paid through the payroll system.

When filing your tax return for the year you received your moving expense please refer to Publication 521 Moving expenses for more detailed instructions.

You cannot deduct the following items as moving expenses.

  • Any part of the purchase price of your new home
  • Car tags
  • Driver’s license
  • Expenses of buying or selling a home (including closing costs, mortgage fee, and points)
  • Expenses of entering or breaking a lease
  • Home improvements to help sell your home
  • Loss on the sale of your home
  • Losses from disposing of memberships in clubs
  • Meals
  • Mortgage penalties
  • Pre-move house hunting expenses
  • Real estate taxes
  • Refitting of carpet and draperies
  • Return trips to your former residence.
  • Security deposits (including any given up due to the move)
  • Storage charges except those incurred in transit and for foreign moves.