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Articles (585)
Central PD gives Santa an assist
The Central Connecticut State University Police Department conducted its annual Stuff-a-Cruiser event on Dec. 7. Organized by Sergeant Robert Varasconi, officers parked a cruiser at CVS on West Main
December graduates move on to next chapter
Central hosted its annual winter commencement ceremony on Dec. 14 at Welte Auditorium and via live-stream. The ceremony honored students who completed their graduation requirements by the close of the
Frett '09 to premiere new film at Sundance
A film by Central Film alumnus Rashad Frett '09 will premiere in 2025 at the prestigious Sundance Film Festival. The film, titled "Ricky," tells the story of 30-year-old Ricky as he navigates the
Nominate students to Elect Her program
The Women’s Center is proud to announce that CCSU has been selected by Running Start to host the Elect Her campaign, a national program to encourage and train college women to run for student
Chen Art Gallery presents annual Art Educator’s Exhibition
The Chen Art Gallery at Central Connecticut State University will present the 2024 Art Educator’s Exhibition through Dec. 6. This annual exhibition spotlights the creative talents of Art Education
President's Holiday Drive to deliver happy holidays to local families, students
Following the success of its November Stuff the Pantry drive, the Central Connecticut State University is back at it with its annual December Holiday Drive in collaboration with the City of New
Blue Devils are more than just teammates
Central Athletics thrives on family-forward approach By Chris O’Connor If you follow Central’s Director of Athletics Tom Pincince on social media, you are very familiar with the term, “Together, as we
President Toro looks back on a tenure worth celebrating
When President Toro became the 13th president of Central, she had a clear vision for the university. Soon after her arrival in late 2016, Toro identified three priorities: to increase enrollment; to
Burritt Library anniversary exhibit tells the story of Central
By Leslie Virostek The handwritten “Registrar of Entrants” from 1849, which names the first students enrolled at the school that would become Central. The list of demands made by Black and Latino
How does Central celebrate a milestone? All year long
As the 175th anniversary of Central approached, campus leadership knew the occasion would call for something big — 175 years big. President Zulma R. Toro explained, “We have so much to celebrate, and